Friday, January 2, 2009

Watch this video and look whats happening in Ghaza! let us show the world what is being removed from their tv news... let us stop the war .. let us stop the Blood!!
spread this video past the link '''' help them , help your self.


  1. Hi Samir. My name is Yasmeen El Khoudary. I saw that you helped with the facebook group "500,000 to support Gaza". My group "PREVENT A NEW GENOCIDE; SAVE GAZA" and my account were hacked as well. Any help would be greatly appreciated. My emails is Thanks in advance

  2. Hi, Samir. Let's hope for a good and final resolution for Gaza now, that Palestinians may live in peace free from harassment and hate. I was wondering, what is the name of this song?

  3. yasmeen i will be in touch by email with you:D

    sitamon well thats the arabic dream .. and this song is called ''al-dameer al-arabi''

  4. May humanity find a way to save all of our souls. My heart bleeds for this pain and suffering. I write to my government and hold faith for a better day. My heart is with everyone that is suffering this atrocity!

  5. Thanks, I've linked the clip in my blog.

  6. Thanks, this is so wrong.Save Gaza!!!

  7. As an American Christian, I want to say that I am ashamed of my ignorance and those of my country. Please do not judge us all harshly. Education is happening and I praise God for giving me the information to understand what is happening in Gaza and what HAS been happening for so many, many years.
